Wednesday, 18 July 2012



Evaluation of Yezingane Network
Save the Children Sweden hereby invites submission of proposals for the supply of consultancy services to undertake and evaluation to assess and analyse the impact of Yezingane Network as well as the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of  Save the Children support to Yezingane Network.

Interested applicants should submit a proposal which includes the following:
1.    Description of company/organisational profile
2.    Previous relevant experience – listing previous relevant projects and role
3.    CVs of professionals who will be undertaking the consultancy
4.    Contact details
5.    Particulars of three references
6.    Implementation schedule and budget in ZAR (South African Rands) equivalent indicating the daily fee, including all costs relating to the consultancy services.

Submission of proposals
Proposals should be addressed to Velephi Riba, Children’s Rights and HIV and AIDS, Save the Children, Southern Africa Regional Office at and copied to
The deadline for the receipt of proposals is 27 July 2012 at 14h00 and will be valid until 30 July 2012 June at 16h00. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.


Terms of Reference

Evaluation of Yezingane Network


Date of issue:
18 July 2012
Time period:
August - September 2012


The Southern Africa Regional office for Save the Children Sweden has cooperated with the Children’s Right Centre in Durban from 2007 as secretariat of Yezingane Network to support the network’s coordination, capacity building, engagement and advocacy of and with its members on children’s rights and HIV and AIDS in South Africa.
With the above support from Save the Children and from other donors, the network has worked in its capacity as the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC)’s civil society children’s sector to mobilise and coordinate its members for meaningful and effective engagement and advocacy within SANAC structures and processes in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of national HIV policies, strategies and plans in South Africa. Specifically it has worked to support implementation and monitoring of South Africa’s National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS; to improve the effectiveness and cohesion of civil society engagement on issues affecting children in the context of HIV and AIDS, to strengthen and sustain civil society platforms and their engagement in other children’s rights advocacy forums as well as to develop and implement child participation approaches and practice in relation to the implementation and monitoring of South Africa’s National Strategic Plan.
Save the Children’s cooperation from 2009 has had key focus on introducing children’s rights in relation to sexual and reproductive health and their rights to comprehensive sexuality education to support effective HIV prevention.
In the second half of 2011 Save the Children informed the network of Save the Children having embarked on global organisational changes that would affect the management of its operations at both regional and national levels during the course of 2012.  Formal discussions were initiated with Yezingane Network to explore and discuss future support within this new framework.

Save the Children requires a consultant to review and assess Yezingane Network’s leadership and contributions to national engagements and advocacy as champion and defender of children’s rights and HIV and AIDS in South Africa. The evaluation should identify, analyse, discuss and make recommendations, including on Yezingane Network’s structures, operations and processes, for Save the Children support in South Africa. 


Scope of Work

1.    Evaluation assessment
1.1 Impact: To analyse and identify the impact achieved by the network in relation to the 2009-2012 cooperation project.  What are the policy changes that Save the Children Sweden supports through Yezingane Network achieved for children in South Africa so far?
  • Regarding the cooperation’s objectives and expected annual outcomes 
  • Regarding how the network has involved and engaged children in Yezingane Network activities and processes and whether it has made a difference in the lives of children in South Africa
1.2 Relevance:  Are the objectives of the support by Save the Children Sweden to Yezingane Network relevant to Save the Children Sweden strategy in South/ern Africa? Is this what Save the Children Sweden should be doing to make a difference to children lives in South Africa?
1.3 Efficiency: Is the partnership with the Children’s Rights Centre as Yezingane Network secretariat cost effective and efficient? Are there other and better options to improve the efficiency of our support to Yezingane Network with or without the Children’s Rights Centre partnership?
1.4 Effectiveness:  To assess whether the network offers the best mechanism for national advocacy on these issues of children’s rights and HIV and AIDS for children in South Africa. Is the support to Yezingane Network the best way of achieving Save the Children advocacy objectives for children in South Africa?  Has Save the Children voice and representation on behalf of children in South Africa been heard or is there a better way of making this representation more effective?
1.5 Sustainability:  Is Save the Children Sweden work with Yezingane Network sustainable? Does this achievement so far have long-term positive effect on children in South Africa?

2.    Preparation, drafting and presentation of evaluation report
Questions about HIV and AIDS terminology should be resolved by the January 2011 UNAIDS Terminology Guidelines available at .

The assignment is to be carried out between August and September 2012 with a final report submitted by not later than 14 September 2012.

Deliverables and Timeframes:
Deliverables should be submitted in electronic format and in hard copy.
  • Comprehensive workplan and budget-within 3 days of signing
  • Draft and final evaluation reports, maximum 20 pages, excluding appendices
  • Presentation of draft findings and recommendations to Save the Children in Pretoria on 7 September 2012
  • Final report incorporating comments and feedback from Save the Children
  • Specific timelines will be agreed with the selected consultant to be stipulated in the consultancy contract.

Budget and fees

  • The consultant will be responsible for payment of all taxes and own travel within South Africa.
  • The consultant will not be entitled to claim per diem for travel within and outside of South Africa


  • Interested individuals and institutions should include personnel with the following qualifications:
  • Expert knowledge and practical experience in conducting network or organisational evaluations. Specific knowledge of civil society networks and their operations would be an advantage
  • Excellent analytical skills
  • Fluency and proficiency in written and spoken English
  • Ability to travel within South Africa and to communicate with individuals.

Deadline for submission of applications
Friday 27 July at 14h00

Interested applicants should submit their bids to copied to . Applicants should submit their bids in ZAR equivalent indicating the daily fee inclusive of all costs for undertaking the assignment.